Konica Minolta Namibia
We provide you with a comprehensive and versatile range of multifunctional bizhub systems to suit offices of all sizes.

Innovative Digital Printing
As a printing company you face a rapidly changing market with all the challenges of offering new services while lowering your costs and digital printing. We use our decade-long experience and our leading market position to provide you with specifically tailored, high quality printing solutions for your business needs.

Industry Leading Solutions
As your number one Namibian printing service provider, Konica Minolta offers you integrated workflows and applications as well as professional and sophisticated hardware products to enable your business.

Your Digital Office
Transform your working environment into a digitally connected workspace with Konica Minolta’s Digital Office solutions. We have defined 7 key areas, all shaping the way we are working today and tomorrow: Connectivity, Universal Design, Security, File sharing & collaboration, Document capture & Management, Panel customisation as well as Cloud & Mobile Printing. Sounds complicated? It’s not, with our smart Office Solutions.
How can we help you?
Colour office systems
Cloud and mobile printing
Print automation
Black and white office systems
Document capture and distribution
Web to print
Production printers
Output management
Do you want to settle an account quickly? We accept PAYTODAY.